Join the growing list of individuals endorsing Monica McDaniel for City Council District 3.

Former Mayor and Monica McDaniel

Former Mayor and Monica McDaniel
Audrey Denney
Monica has been a dedicated, hard-working community leader in Chico for more than a decade. Her integrity and deep care for our community will drive her solution-oriented decision making on our behalf. Monica will make an exceptional City Council Member for District 3 and I am proud to support her!
Ann Schwab
Former Chico Mayor
Monica McDaniel embraces the “public” of public service. Her experience as a member of Chico’s Art’s Commission engrained in her the value of seeking community input. Monica is a natural leader, innovative problem-solver and inclusive communicator. I know Monica is invested in Chico’s future. I fully support her campaign for the Chico City Council.
Andy Holcombe
Former Mayor
Monica gets stuff done. She not only puts her nose to the grindstone, but her heart too. Building community takes long and hard work, and must involve all of our community. Monica is an inclusive leader for District 3 that all of Chico should support.
Lupita Arim-Law
Former Chico Planning Commissioner, 2016-2020
I endorse Monica McDaniel for Chico City Council of District 3 and ask that you support Monica with your vote in November 2024. My relationship with Monica is relatively new, but as a long-time resident of Chico, Monica and I have been in various spaces of common interest. What has impressed me most about Monica is that she is genuine; she is a great listener and is her own person – meaning she doesn’t compromise her values, yet she is always willing to collaborate and compromise. That is a leader! I have witnessed this time and time again. Chico needs Monica on the dais; her contributions will be exemplary in grace and action. She will get things done.
North State Labor Federtion


North State Medicare 4 All

Nor Cal Carpenter's Union

Chico Smart Growth Advocates